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Building / Town support with roads (splines)

With the spline nodes, we can generate roads. Something I've wanted for a while is a way to support buildings and perhaps simple village / town generation. I suppose advanced town generation is out of scope for MM2, but at the very least I hope some small (but powerful) node features could be added.

Some thoughts without knowing the implementation:
1. The ability to rotate structures (objects) towards 'roads' (splines output as map). For instance a way of directing objects towards the nearest point of a spline output / map. In general, a new way of controlling rotation. At the moment, I use the Adjust node, which either sets a certain rotation or at random for all. Perhaps the feature could be added to the Adjust node.
2. Generating small / squared 'streets' for a spline road. The generated splines purposely leave room for objects (structures), and could possibly have a green object outlet precisely for that.

Erlend Hårtveit , 13.12.2022, 13:41
Idea status: under consideration


Erlend Hårtveit, 13.12.2022, 13:58
3. Some way of adding an object just 'once'. For instance, with the Split node, we can modify the probability for the layers (which I must admit I find buggy). Here, a new field could be added, like 'Maximum', which ensures that no more than X amount of objects for that layer can be added. This could for example be used to ensure that a 'town' only has one church or town hall object.

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