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MapMagic and Microsplat error

Hello, according to my previous post here, I unfortunately still have the problem using Microsplat with MM2. You can see the screenshots of the error on that post here: https://forum.unity.com/threads/released-mapmagic-2-infinite-procedural-land-generator.875470/page-36#post-7750713 and I also made a video to show you when it happen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fzp4TIfkJok&ab_channel=MichaelSimard

It is not just when texturing via a spline. An error seems to happen if I add 2 time the same Microsplat texture. but also I start to have some problems when I use many different ones.

Michael Simard , 22.12.2021, 20:45
Idea status: under consideration


Michael Simard, 22.12.2021, 20:46
I made another post with the wrong title called by my email.
Michael Simard, 22.12.2021, 21:03
After a few tests, it seems to work better if I add all the Microsplat's texture inside the MM2 graph.

example if I have 12 textures in Microsplat, I need 12 (one of each at least) in the graph.

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