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internally Whittaker node clips range


it seems like the multiplicative should not be applied. Like so.

float temperature = temperatureMatrix.arr[pos]; // * diagramSize.x;
float moisture = moistureMatrix.arr[pos]; // * diagramSize.z;
// otherwise this test is nonsense
if (temperature < 0) temperature = 0; if (temperature > 1) temperature = 1;

twobob, 19.10.2021, 05:35
Idea status: under consideration


kaelidian, 27.10.2021, 07:51
Yeah I actually got them "working" by removing that line of code and changing it from Interpolated to Relative.

float val = diagramAssets[m].matrix.GetRelative(temperature, moisture);

doing that, with 2 noise nodes scaled to 2000 I get reasonably sized "Minecraft-like" biomes as the masks used aren't actually temperature and precipitation maps.

However, I seem to lose a fair amount of overall height and making actual heightOutput to anything higher than 250 gets unpredictable results.

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