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Microsplat Node greyed out once the game RUN

Environment :
Unity 2020.3.14f1
URP setup
MapMagic version : 2.1.6

How to produce :
1. Open BADLAND graph from the DEMO folder
2. Add a new Microsplat Node : (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1i29bffeqHW5orBTyEFLkzc6lVA8Y_Oga/view?usp=sharing)
3. Assign Microsplat material and add the layers
4. Change the Inlet & outlet of the TEXTURE node into the new MICROSPLAT node : (https://drive.google.com/file/d/16j2MpUiXH2sLASs9FPOG8uWFeJhoS015/view?usp=sharing)
5. Disable the Texture node
6. Regenerate / pin-unpin the tile
7. Terrain will be generated in scene view as expected
8. Hit Run / run the game
9. An error will appear "Could not find cell..... removing inlet/outlet" : (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Do23Py0QHlSwmbj5blds1CJjBrooKW9x/view?usp=sharing)
10. The Microsplat node now greyed.

Note :
I can re-create the Microsplat Node again easily, and it will be reflected in editor view.
But when ever I Run the game, it's got Greyed again.

Real graph used : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YDoIj1vWxYNecAiqUmHhn5B4bSRztdew/view?usp=sharing

ysundawa, 01.08.2021, 06:41
Idea status: under consideration


Wraith, 07.08.2021, 13:02
Could not reproduce the issue. Even with the graph linked:
- I open it without any issues,
- Applied to scene, assigned MS material, can see the MicroSplat functional node,
- I run the game - still generates,
- I stop the game - it's not grayed out.
Am I missing something?

What MM version you are using?

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