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Enqueue task bug

I'm getting an error with Map Magic 2, I'm also using Microsplat and Vegetation Studio Pro.
I've left an image of the two errors. They happen simultaneously and they seem to be queueing some task(s), as the only line that looks different between them is the start and stop queue line (highlighted).

I've contacted Jason Booth (Microsplat) and he said it can't be Microsplat. I've also contacted Awesome Technologies (VS Pro), but they've yet to respond.

My project is large and I'm not sure when this problem started as I've recently upgraded the project to Unity 2020.3.13f LTS, so it would be difficult for me to replicate the issue.

If you need any more information please let me know, I'll be happy to provide.

Thank you!


Bodhi, 24.07.2021, 22:30
Idea status: under consideration


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