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Funky corners and visible tile borders when importing RAW

I'm new to MapMagic and have been following this tutorial: https://youtu.be/BxqaYrRII5A

Unity 2020.3.8f1
MapMagic 2 Beta 2.1.6

When creating a new project/scene/MapMagic graph and trying to import RAW, the tile corners often do not connect properly, sometimes creating large spikes, and the borders of tiles form a noticeable ridge. I followed the instructions in the video for creating my own RAW file.

I posted some screenshots of the issue as well as the RAW file I am using in the #help channel on discord so you can try to recreate it or determine if I did something wrong in generating the RAW file. Here is that post: https://discord.com/channels/440966939615952898/445594393848709122/865750354959794226

Elderlore, 17.07.2021, 03:46
Idea status: under consideration


Wraith, 17.07.2021, 13:04
Hm, can't reproduce it. Might be related with scale or imported map asset. Could you please upload and link these files:
- imported map asset
- graph
- scene
- and their meta files

Also it would be helpful if you could describe the cases when these spikes appear. What to you usually do before the spike?

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