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Biomes and Microsplat

Hi Wright,

I have the issue that only the highest biome in stack shows textures when using microsplat output. Lower level biomes only render black textures.

The following steps reproduce the problem:
- Create a new graph (biome1)
- Add a constant node and a height node, connect both
- Add microsplat output, assign material, make sure all texture slots appear

- Create a second graph (biome2)
- Add a constant node and a height node, connect both
- Add microsplat output, assign same material, make sure all texture slots appear

- Create biome graph
- Add noise to blend biomes
- Add selector
- Add biome node
- Assign biomes to node
- Connect all

- Expect: Blended textures from both biomes
- Get: Textures from upper biome, bleck spaces where lower biome should be

I did create a small setup that illustrates this problem:

Best regards, D

Diego , 01.06.2021, 23:01
Idea status: under consideration


Wraith, 03.06.2021, 23:01
Planned for 2.1.6

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