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Splines from different tiles are not welded

Currently when you have a spline that crosses terrain tiles you don't get a smooth transition one tile will be higher than the other.

Jason , 21.04.2021, 05:01
Idea status: under consideration


Wraith, 21.04.2021, 22:13
Renamed ticket.
Yes, I'm aware of this. Splines have some issues yet.
giantsmall, 10.11.2021, 22:12
I would love to see that feature in MM2
ChristopherSummer, 24.04.2022, 21:20
Hi, I noticed that the Problem seems to be that while MapMagic2 is working on one Tile to lay the Paths via Pathfinding, it sometimes "guesses" where the best End-Point might be, and it also seems to be aware of the Height-Data on other Tiles while calculating that, but then when it gets to the next Tile, it basically seems start afresh, no longer memorizing what exact Path it took on the last Tile.

(I am, of Course, only speaking from my speculative Observations from when I experimente with different Seetings and closely watched what the Pathfinding seemed to be doing -- I don't really know or understand how the Mechanisms work.)

So, it seems to me that it might be necessary for MapMagic2 to "remember" at Least some of the Points the Pathfinding went to on the previous Tile, and then make sure that these Points from the previous Tile's Calculations are treaded with the same Calculations again, before the Pathfinding really continues with this next (now current) Tile and starts to see how it may continue from there.
So, in fewer Words: It would have to memorize the previous Tile's Paths and retread them on the current Tile before continuing.

Another Alternative might be the other Way around: That once the Pathfinding has come to the new Tile and started laying its Paths, it would also go back to the previous Tile's last few Path-Points and make sure to overwrite them to lead towards the Starting-Point which by this Point already has been determined for the next Tile -- changing the previous Tile's Path on the last few Points, to make a Connection.

I have no Clue whether these Ramblings are of any Help (surely you have thought of such Solutions already), but maybe these Suggestions are of some Use somehow. :)

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