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Microsplat node is auto reset & not detecting >16 texture + Height auto reset to 250

Reporting 3 issues into 1:
Issue 1.Microsplat material & prop data in Microsplat output node is auto reset whenever Map magic game object in Hierarchy is deleted. This resulting user to have to manually insert the material & prop data every time graph is changed by deleting the MM object in Hierarchy.

Issue 2. Microsplat node not detecting textures if it's set more than 16 (max texture count in Microsplat Material). It has error message like below:

Exception: Routine error: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
at MapMagic.Nodes.MatrixGenerators.CustomShaderOutput200+ApplyData.Apply

Issue 3. Height node is auto reset to 250 whenever exit the graph

Steps to reproduce:
1. Create more than 16 textures in Microsplat texture Array config.
2. Drop existing graph to scene & make sure it uses Microsplat output node with material & prop data assigned into the nodes.
3. Change the index number of texture in the Microsplat to 16 & above, there will be error message stated above. (This is to reproduce issue 2)
4. Using the same graph, now delete the "Map Magic" game object in the Hierarchy. Mouse hover into the Map Magic Graph area, you can see the Microsplat node auto reset. This also true when dragging the graph back into scene. The material & prop data has disappeared. (Issue 1)
5. Try changing the height output to lesser or greater than 250. Now delete the "Map Magic" game object in the Hierarchy & re-drag the graph into scene. Height will be auto reset to 250 (Issue 3)

MM2 bundle: 2.1.2
Unity 2020.3.0f1
Unity 2020.3.2f1
Microsplat 3.79
Microsplat 3.791

duminju1990 , 09.04.2021, 14:38
Idea status: under consideration


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