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Tiles cannot be pinned/unpinned


I am getting this issue regulatily. Selector gizmo doesn't appear and when I click anywhere I just select none or a terrain (depends which is raycasted on the Scene camera). Pin/Unpin button is pressed first but this does not help. I don't press escape, alt or any other keyboard/mouse button.

* Gizmos are ON
* I've tried to select ALL gizmos to draw
* I've tried to select only MM gizmos to draw
* I've tried removing all other objects from scene except MM Object (and already pinned terrains)
* I've tried "unselectable" (untoucheable?) check in hierarchy for terrains, MM object and every combination of them
* also for other objects but NOT MM and it's childs

Nothing helps. Sometimes recreating MM object helps but then it stops working.

No error in console.

Unity 2020.2.5 / 2020.2.6, switching backends OpenGL / Vulkan doesn't help.

MM 2.0.8 as I cannot update to 2.1.0 / 2.1.1 (see other ticket on deserializer error on 2.1.1) but I haven't seen any fixes related to pinning so this problem should persist.

pure_luck, 01.03.2021, 15:46
Idea status: under consideration


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