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General Instability, 2020.2

Firstly, thanks so much for packaging all these fantastic tools together. I'd sat down to begin working on some terrain tools based on patches and tesselation + heightmaps, and eventually got a bit stuck. I looked around and found your stuff and I'm pretty happy with what it can do.

Experienced frequent crashes in mature project.
Created new URP project in 2020.2.1f1.
Added newest version of MM2 via package manager, with all assets.
Created new scene.
Added new Map Magic GO via menu options in Hierarchy.
Swapped out Map Magic Demo graphs.
Spend some time working.
Change the resolution of the tiles. Sometimes there is a crash. It's a little hard to pin down to an exact set of issues. However, it happens somewhat frequently.

Bryan , 17.01.2021, 02:29
Idea status: completed


OP, 27.02.2021, 18:11

In my main project, if load a scene and a terrain, I have 1 in 3 or 1 in 10 chance of MM2 failing on Weld.cs. Exception: Empty weld array. Possibly terrain has not been generated yet
MapMagic.Terrains.Weld.ApplyToTerrain (UnityEngine.TerrainData terrData, System.Single[] arr, Den.Tools.Coord dir) (at Assets/MapMagic/Terrains/Weld.cs:658)

In the test project, which includes only repeatedly loads the scene and terrain, I have a different error about trees - although there are no tree nodes.
pure_luck, 28.02.2021, 17:21
I wasn't able to run your project, there are errors in console.

I've recreated it on fresh project, it's not reproducible.
rbirwin, 28.02.2021, 19:45
Simply deactivating and reactivating each TerrainObject's GameObject seems to fix this error for me.
rbirwin, 28.02.2021, 19:46
Also I should remark that the issue described here is likely an environment issue. Pure_Luck is on Linux, where as I am on Windows.
Wraith, 02.03.2021, 22:33
I've downloaded the project, will run it while making 2.1.2. Unfortunately can't test it on Linux, but at least will make sure it won't occur on Windows and Mac
Wraith, 02.07.2021, 21:58
There were some changes with terrain welding, is it still relevant for 2.1.5?
Wraith, 24.07.2021, 11:13
Seems not. Welding is fixed

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