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CTD upon entering play mode in Unity 2020.1

How to reproduce this issue:
1. Create an empty project
2. Import latest version of MapMagic 2 from the assetstore, with no other modules.
3. Create a template graph and open it.
4. Delete the erosion node and connect noise node with the output node.
5. Drag the graph asset onto scene view.
6. Select game object created in step 5
7. Go to "Tile Settings" in the Inspector, under the Map Magic Object component
8. Change "Main Resolution" to 1025.
9. Save the scene and enter play mode
10. Wait 3-15 seconds for a CDT.

Sceleria , 26.12.2020, 10:44
Idea status: under consideration


Wraith, 27.12.2020, 11:21
Thanks for clear instructions on how to reproduce the issue!

However, if you mean crash to desktop under CDT I could not reproduce it. I'm using 2.1.0 which has some core changes, hope this issue is not relevant here. But I will try reproducing it in 2.0.8 just to find out why it happens.
Sceleria, 27.12.2020, 13:42
I could probably provide project files, if you're MapMagic's Discord
Sceleria, 27.12.2020, 13:43
Well, there is no edit option around here, sooo, "if you're on MapMagics Discord" *
Wraith, 01.01.2021, 16:40
I'm on MM Discord, Denis#6854. Let's try with the scene and the graph first (and their meta files), not the whole project.

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