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"Editor" code bug for DirectMatrices.

"Editor" code bug for DirectMatrices. Zooming all the way out in the graph view will disconnect the bottom connection.

Off by one array base error?

Could not find a cell for inlet/outlet. Removing link
UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object)
MapMagic.Nodes.GUI.GraphWindow:DrawGraph () (at Assets/MapMagic/Nodes/Editor/GraphWindow.cs:304)
Den.Tools.GUI.UI:Draw (System.Action,bool,UnityEngine.Rect) (at Assets/MapMagic/Tools/GUI/Editor/UI.cs:259)
MapMagic.Nodes.GUI.GraphWindow:OnGUI () (at Assets/MapMagic/Nodes/Editor/GraphWindow.cs:200)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)

twobob, 08.07.2021, 14:16
Idea status: completed


Wraith, 24.07.2021, 13:19
fixed for 2.1.7
twobob, 24.07.2021, 14:57
Ah HERO. This was making using those such a pain. :bow:

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