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GetProgress() method returns invalid data

Windows 10 x64
Unity 2020.3.13
MM 2.1.4

I found a small issue - the GetProgress() method on MapMagicObject returns values bigger than 1.0 (100%). At the start, it returns expected values like 0.1, 0.2 etc. but at some point it jumps from 0.6 to 1.012, then it goes slowly back to 1.0, and finishes at around 0.998. I use the method to show the generation progress to the player at runtime and these numbers are quite confusing. :)

Refeas, 04.07.2021, 11:44
Idea status: under consideration


Wraith, 04.07.2021, 13:59
Does this happen on every graph (like Tutorial/SimpleGraph) or when using something particular?
Refeas, 04.07.2021, 15:51
It happens on my custom graphs - they use a bunch of functions and biomes if that helps.
Wraith, 07.07.2021, 00:50
Could you please upload the graphs (and their meta files) somewhere and post (or email me) the link?
Refeas, 07.07.2021, 20:30
Sent you an email with the link.
LocoNeko73, 17.11.2021, 05:48
Just as an aside : I can confirm that each Terrain Tile in the inspector shows progress past its number of steps during generation, then goes down. Example : I have a Tile that showed "Progress 31 of 29" then went back to 29 once done.
Hope this helps.

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