3 votes Vote

See portals per category

Nothing very problematic, this is mostly a quality of life suggestion you can put very far in the priorities ;), but it could be nice to add portals that are from another category than the current portal. Currently when I select where the portal come from, I have 36 different choices but half of them are from the wrong category.

"Exit" Object portal can only see object portals.

Michael , 13.03.2021, 16:25
Idea status: completed


thevisad, 13.03.2021, 16:45
Hi, as a new user of the product, the portals were a bit confusing based on the way this is used. As indicated the portals can see all the values from the various portal types, instead of just containing the type it is.
Wraith, 16.03.2021, 00:09
Yes, it seems to be a bug. Will try to fix it next version.
Wraith, 16.03.2021, 00:10
Michael Simard, 19.03.2021, 00:50
Thank you, appreciated !

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