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Need a shore node replacement

Need a replacement for the old shore node. Something that would let us define how much shore, and how it affects the water edge, and possibly a mask for beach area, so we can define objects and textures, or possibly mix a different biome in for the shore area and underwater.

Jaimi McEntire , 19.05.2020, 04:20
Idea status: completed


Wraith, 13.07.2020, 13:55
added to plan
Andrew Sidereal, 29.09.2020, 16:17
Although you can in theory create this manually with other nodes, I agree that having it out-of-the-box as MM1 provided is not only a huge time-saver, but leads to a better result. My beaches aren't as nice as MM1, even after a lot of tweaking :)
Wraith, 13.12.2020, 18:11
MM 2.1.0 introduces two nodes for making shores - the Ledge node, the simple 'curve' way to create a shoreline, and Beach node, a bit more complex generator to create smooth shoreline.

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